Frequently Asked Questions

Closure is an online service that provides a way for you store important information that you want your relatives to have access to after you pass away.

Closure aims to make the transfer of information when you pass away as simple as possible. You need this service if you want to make sure your loved ones have access to your online accounts and personal information, or to close accounts for utilities and social media platforms.

Passwords, Bank Accounts, Documents, Services, Items and Wishes.

During the process of creating an account for Closure, you’ll be required to provide a secret key that only you will have access to. This key can be included in your will and provides your relatives access to all the information stored in your account.

You can have free access to Closure’s features with limited storage and functionality or enjoy unlimited access and 1GB of document storage for £15.

To access your account, your loved ones will need your password and secret key. When signing up to Closure you will receive a welcome document where you can fill in this information. This document can then be stored somewhere safe or passed to a solicitor and be included with your will.

Yes. Closure is not legally binding your family to anything, it only provides a way to make the process as smooth as possible and to make sure none of your information online is lost.

Contact Us

If you have an question, or a problem feel free to fill out the contact form below.
We will try get back to you as quickly as possible.